The area without sticker coverage had a distinct tint that alcohol, goo gone and hydrogen peroxide couldn't clean no matter how much I tried to rub it clean and I could still see the outlines from where the stickers had been. I guess the stickers helped protect the body from 8 years of exposure. The stickers and residue came off perfectly with a razor blade and alcohol, but I could still see the outlines on the areas NOT covered with stickers.
#Mac apple laptop sticker pro#
I finally got around to peeling stickers off of my 2011 Macbook Pro that had been on there since the day I got the machine in my angsty freshman college days. Nothing fancy, just a regular old big pink eraser. This subreddit is not endorsed or sponsored by Apple Inc. If you'd like to view their content together, click here. This fundamental difference in audience is why we support two communities, r/Apple and r/AppleHelp. Apple SubredditsĬontent which benefits the community (news, rumors, and discussions) is valued over content which benefits only the individual (technical questions, help buying/selling, rants, etc.).
#Mac apple laptop sticker upgrade#
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